Friday, May 28, 2010

manipulation, seduction and deceit...

one of the curses of a woman is manipulation... we see it as a gift... it aids us in getting our way... the better you are at it... the more you get your way... but it turns out to be a stumbling block in the kingdom of God...

Jezebel's main sins were manipulation and seduction... now we all know what a horrid woman she was... we pray in the name of Jesus that we never have a spirit like hers... yet we all do... we all use these things to get people to do what we want... I think we are taught this as a very young girl and it just gets bigger and bigger...

so I think that I have given my will up to God... in all honesty... I want God's will.. not mine.. but I find that I get tired of waiting on God sometimes and I use these two tools to try to move things along... I am learning though that all they do is set you backwards...

when God tells you something is wrong for you... do not allow yourself to be confused by what someone else believes... trust what God said to you and stay away from it... sometimes we allow someone who is larger in christ than what we think we are... to tell us that something is not sin or that it isn't QUITE the way we heard it from God and we get led into sin... sin is sin is sin... we need to repent... which means to acknowledge to God that we have sinned and we are sorry and will do our best to stay away from the sin in the future... (praying fervently for His strength within us...) and then to stay away from the sin... turning from it... and that we will do our best to TRUST what God has said to us individually regardless of what someone else thinks about it...

this is the art of the enemy's deceit... see he knows the bible just like we do... better than some of us... and he will twist things that are not part of the big 10 and confuse us to think maybe it isn't wrong because of this or because of that... then we fall prey to it and later on God reminds us what He said from the very beginning... I think we are too hard on Eve... thinking that she messed up life for us till the end of time... yet we tend to make the same mistake she did... just in a different form...

Father in the name of Jesus... your Son.. the Risen Savior... I ask for the gift of wisdom... to be able to see situations from the eye of the mind of God... so that I will not be deceived... manipulated or confused... allow me to not use seduction and the ways of the world to try to obtain what is mine in the kingdom of God... remind me continually that You will bring Your will to pass with no conniving from me... amen.amen.amen.

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