Psalms 37:3 Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.4 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.
as humans we seem to never be satisfied... we think if only I had this.. if only I had that... but as soon as you have what it is that you desired, then you are desiring something else...
I LOVE new shoes... I have more shoes that anyone I know... it is truly a sin of gluttony... I can't even wear them all because I have so many shoes... when I walk into 9west the sales girl RUNS to me... she knows my size and likes and dislikes by heart... she brings out tons of shoes for me to try... she gives me discounts that no one else gets... I am considered a VIP customer in the store and on line both... but sadly enough... after I wear the shoes a few times... they lose their sparkle and I need new ones to make me feel good again... (thus the reason I have so many...)
I love new clothes... I don't really like to dress like a church lady... I like to dress provocative and sexy... but... if I have to dress like a church lady... I want to be the best dressed one out there... again... the reason why I am always looking for a new outfit...
when the bible tells us that if we take delight in the Lord and He will give us the desires of our heart... it doesn't really mean the desires of our heart... what it really means... is that when God becomes your delight... your heart... your focus... then... your desires change to line up with the will of God... and yes, He will always give you His will for your life...
it is a terrible thing when we tell God that what He wants for us is not what we want... we pay a horrific price for God giving in and giving us our own will over the will of God...
our prayers should not be that God will give us the desires of our heart... our prayer should be that God would align our desires with His will for our lives and that He will give us His will for our lives... that is a prayer that is sure to be in our best interest and it is also sure to be answered... it may not be what we thought we wanted... but it will always be what is best for us and for the body of Christ as a whole...
Thank you Father for aligning my desires with your will... whatever the outcome may be... I trust You... I love You... I want Your will be done, not mine... in the blood bought name of Christ I pray... amen.amen.amen...
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